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Using a Collection of Models

So far we've used the view as our view and model. We'll extend Backbone.Model and Backbone.Collection to separate our model from our view.

You might want to wiew the implementation of this step before diving in.

jQuery ->

The model is the heart of any application. We have a very small heart in this example.

  class Item extends Backbone.Model

defaults is a JSON object used to specify the default attributes for our model.

      part1: 'Hello'
      part2: 'Backbone'

Our collection is an ordered set of the previously defined Items.

  class List extends Backbone.Collection
    model: Item
  class ListView extends Backbone.View
    el: $ 'body'

initialize() now instantiates a collection and binds the add event to the appendItem() method.

    initialize: ->
      _.bindAll @
      @collection = new List
      @collection.bind 'add', @appendItem
      @counter = 0
    render: ->
      $(@el).append '<button>Add List Item</button>'
      $(@el).append '<ul></ul>'

addItem() now deals solely with models/collections. View updates are delegated to the add event bound to appendItem() when we initializeed our list_view.

    addItem: ->

Instantiate a new Item,

      item = new Item

and modify its second part.

      item.set part2: "#{item.get 'part2'} #{@counter}"

Then, add it to our collection.

      @collection.add item

appendItem() is triggered by the collection event add and handles updates to the interface.

    appendItem: (item) ->
      $('ul').append "<li>#{item.get 'part1'} #{item.get 'part2'}!</li>"
    events: 'click button': 'addItem'
  list_view = new ListView

Onward to Part 4.