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Binding DOM Events to View Methods

So, part one was pretty boring. Let's spice it up by binding DOM events to our view's methods. The implementation of this step is slighlty more exciting than the last.

jQuery ->
  class ListView extends Backbone.View
    el: $ 'body'
    initialize: ->
      _.bindAll @
      @counter = 0

We'll add a button and an empty list to our view.

    render: ->
      $(@el).append '<button>Add List Item</button>'
      $(@el).append '<ul></ul>'

addItem() will be called via the click event on the button we added in our render method.

    addItem: ->
      $('ul').append "<li>Hello, Backbone #{@counter}!</li>"

events is a JSON object where DOM events are bound to view methods. Backbone doesn't have a separate controller to handle event bindings; it all happens in a view.

    events: 'click button': 'addItem'
  list_view = new ListView

Onward to Part 3.