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Extending Backbone.View

First, we'll extend Backbone.View to create a very minimal unordered list view. Take a look at the implementation of this step so you'll know what we're building.

The jQuery wrapper isn't necessary since we know this script is called after jQuery has been included, but it explicitly shows our dependence on jQuery. Clarity is a good thing.

jQuery ->

Our main application view.

  class ListView extends Backbone.View

We'll be using the body element for our view in all our examples. All views have a DOM element at all times. el is our view's connetion to the DOM.

    el: $ 'body'

initialize() is automatically called upon instantiation.

    initialize: ->

We're using Underscore.js's bindAll method to bind all the view's methods to this instance of our view.

      _.bindAll @

render() renders the view in @el. It must be called by the us; we called it at the end of our initialize() function.

    render: ->
      $(@el).append '<ul><li>Hello, Backbone!</li></ul>'

Lastly, we instantiate our main app view.

  list_view = new ListView

Onward to Part 2.